Before Leukemia seized their lives, Jessica Smith and Katie Marks had never meet. They were about to find friendship in an unlikely setting: the oncology/hematology wing of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Since that time they have been helping each other with cancer treatments, going to social events together while trying to establish their lives.

Katie Marks and Jessica Smith have an icing fight during a Make a Wish lunch at Adelphia's in Deptford.

Katie places a Transderm Scop patch behind her ear for nausea before receiving chemotherapy.

Dr. Barbara Greenbaum, right, performs a spinal tap on Katie with the aid of RN Karen Gee at the Childrern's Hospital of Philadelphia Specialty Care Center in Vorhees.

Spinal fluid is collected from Jessica during her spinal tap.

With syringes full of water, Katie and Jessica have watergun fight with social worker Joan Rolsky at CHOPS in Vorhees.

Katie (front) and Jessica try on wigs at a stand in the Deptford Mall.

Mom, Sue Smith, kisses Jessica on the head while waiting for test results at the Childrern's Hospital of Philadelphia Specialty Care Center in Vorhees.

Katie resists an attempt by her father, Jim Marks, to clean her face during a picnic at Aulletto's in Deptford.

Jessica bounces in and sprawls across the furniture-a good sign says her mother. It means the first days of school are going well.